Mid-Am Crisis
Mid-Am Crisis: A Golf Discussion
Malcolm Scovil - Founder, Imagine Golf

Malcolm Scovil - Founder, Imagine Golf

Have you ever searched for help with the mental side of your golf game? I've always been a big fan of books that are aimed at sharpening these tools - Zen Golf, Golf is Not a Game of Perfect, and even Golf in the Kingdom come to mind. Those reads and many more have shaped how I view a round of golf. I've also found that using meditation apps like Calm has been a great help in building a positive mindset in my everyday life. All of this is why I was so excited to hear about a new app that combines those approaches for golfers. It's called Imagine Golf and my friend Malcolm Scovil is the founder. Imagine Golf creates a moving listening experience as a way to help subscribers improve their mental game on and off the golf course. Malcolm and I connected when he was getting Imagine Golf up off the ground and I've enjoyed working with him to produce a few of my stories for the app. Since then, I've become a subscriber to Imagine Golf and have deeply enjoyed the daily mental lessons. Not only do they help me play better golf, but they also have brought me some clarity to other corners of my mind. Malcolm and I have expanded our working relationship of late and Imagine Golf is now the sponsor of Mid-Am Crisis. I've loved getting to know him and his team and each time we talk reveals a new and interesting story about golf and life. Malcolm joins me on this episode to tell a few of those tales and help kick off our new partnership. If you enjoy the calming sound of his voice, you'll really like hearing it come through the Imagine Golf app for a few minutes each day. I know that I do. To learn more about Imagine Golf visit their website at https://www.imaginegolf.com/ Be sure to follow Imagine Golf on Instagram at @Imaginegolfers and on Twitter at @Imaginegolfers If you enjoy my work, you can find much more of it available on my website at https://jayrevell.com/ Thanks for listening to Mid-Am Crisis - be sure to leave the show a review on your favorite listening device! Cheers, -J Mid-Am Crisis is a production of Revell Media, LLC. Learn more at http://revellmedia.com/

Mid-Am Crisis
Mid-Am Crisis: A Golf Discussion
Hi, my name is Jay Revell and golf is a massive part of my life. Lately, I've begun to worry that it might consume too much of it.
With a young family, a startup media business, and a scratch handicap, I explore what it means to be addicted to golf in the modern world. On the show, I dive into the good, bad, ugly, and glorious in conversations with folks battling to find a balance between golf, life, and everything in between. Join me for conversations with some of golf's most interesting folks as we discuss just how much the game means to us all.
Welcome to Mid-Am Crisis.